Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Went to school today after skipping school on Monday. Had SS lesson in theatrette before PE. Used to love PE in the past but don't know why these few weeks I've been hating PE or having no interest in it.

Maybe it's because of NAPFA or the tedious 2.4km run. Luckily all those who passed 2.4 the previous week need to run. Chose not to be a pacer as I did not feel like running. Played soccer in the field instead.

It was hilarious I swear. Couldn't stop laughing at those people who slip due to the slippery field..HAHAHA. Got abit muddy and headed back to class after recess.

English lesson was okay and then followed by F&N. Attended bridging after sch which ended at 1430. Upper sec boys had to leave for NAPFA test.

Talking about NAPFA test, it's a serious waste of effort for me. Thought that with a timing of 12:49, I could at least get a C grade for 2.4km. But when i went to check the table, realised that I only managed a D -.- and the criteria for getting a gold is C for all 6 stations with a minimum of 21 points. So, gold is all but over for me.

Did well for sit-ups, managing a personal best of 47 :D, standing broad jump was at 226. One of my highest if I'm not wrong. Shuttle run was at 10.2 secs. Argh, just 0.1 second lesser to get an A. But whatever. Since I already knew my hopes for gold are already gone..pull ups was suckish. Only managed 2 -.-

Could do at least 5 during the pre test. Perhaps it's because I didn't eat anything since morning that's why I clould only do 2 in the end. Sit and reach only got 36..zzz...I think my sit and reach is always somewhere around there. I don't remember myself getting above 40...lol.

So, in total I got about 17 points if I'm not wrong. Enough for me to qualify for a silver. But guess what? I think I'm going to get a bronze all because of the pull-ups. Damn pull-ups man, seriously-.- and to add salt to the wound, the teacher in charge of pull-ups is so fucked up..__

Soccer again after NAPFA. This time, it was me who slipped and got half of my PE shorts covered in mud. Not only that. Even my whole shoes were covered with mud. And the thing is, I've only got a pair of school shoes. Doubt my shoes can dry by tonight. Have to think of other alternatives then. Ok, I'm dead beat. Bye.

[Praise the Lord]*|Tuesday, April 20, 2010|


Benedict 13.6.93 New Creation Church 5Formidable'10 Mayflower Secondary


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|Adora| Anna| Ben Ho| Jeremiah| Joey Ho| Jiaqi| Kane| Nicholas Lim| R.A.D.I.C.A.L| Shannen| Yong Boon| Wanling|

[[ Credits ]]

|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
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